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Our Technologies:

  • Are passive, not involving the cycling of loads.

  • Require no employee involvement or training.

  • Are durable, providing up to 20 years of no maintenance service.

  • Improve the reliability and power quality of the facility.

  • Include a fully insured guarantee of savings from a third-party.


A Facility-Wide Approach

Canceling reactive current demanded by motors.
Canceling harmonic current demanded by nonlinear equipment.
Reducing system losses through the application of advanced motor design and maintenance improvements.
Reducing the power demanded by air conditioning and refrigeration.
Applying minor reconstruction to make lighting and equipment operate more efficiently.
Improving the efficiency of air compression systems.

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Our Process

Our process is a collaborative effort with you to ensure a seamless, non-interruptive energy savings solution implementation. While we ask for management's engagement throughout the process to be sure we meet the needs of each of our customers, we do not rely on employee involvement or have required training following an installation of our technologies, as they are passive and will not affect your operations. We have multiple points of guarantees within each step of our process to ensure maximum client satisfaction and eneroi performance. We will also provide all needed rebate documents for lighting projects and other applicable incentives. 

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