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IoT Energy Meter

built for industrial

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What Can This Meter Do?

Measure 15 Data Points

Embedded Cellular Connection

Identify Trends & Anomalies

Track & Verify Savings Projects

See Data From Any Location

Find Real Opportunities

Why Would I Need This Meter?

Your monthly electric bill probably looks something like this

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Using the only two figures provided on your electric bill-total kWh consumed and highest demand during a month- doesn't give you any insight into how or where that power is being used within your facility. 

A cold storage facility installed this smart IoT meter at their facility to better understand how they use their energy and be able to make informed decisions on which load groups have the largest opportunity for savings. 

CS1 - Redaptive - Refrigerated Warehouse - Fully Metered Overview (1).jpg

As shown in the one month report above, refrigeration and lighting are their load groups consuming the most energy. 

Since lighting is their number 2 load group, further analysis was performed. The chart below shows, on average, how many hours the lights were on and consuming energy per day over an 11 month period. Management often assumes their lights are turned off during off shifts, which we can see is not always the case.

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The charts above show metered data on lighting consumption per hour for a typical week. Based on this data, the site would benefit substantially from an LED lighting upgrade and a controls system being implemented to turn off or dim lights when the space is unoccupied. This same data can be compared before and after an energy savings project is completed to measure and verify savings.

Another measurement point (15 total) this smart IoT meter collects is Power Factor. A low Power Factor correlates to poor efficiency, increased electrical distribution losses, higher heat, utility penalties, and a variety of other issues. There is a substantial benefit to be had if you can bring your large motors and overall facility Power Factor to above 0.90. 

pf distribution .jpg

The graph above shows the average Power Factor across all of their metered load groups. As can be seen, the majority of the loads fall between 0.60 and 1.0. Refrigeration loads seem to be the key area that needs to be addressed. 

PF detailed.jpg

We can take an even deeper look into which pieces of equipment specifically have poor Power Factors. We can use this data to recommend installing one of our dynamic Elspec technologies at the MCC that controls these loads or to install our eneroiLiner technologies directly at each individual load to increase the local Power Factor. Before and after measurement reports can easily be generated and analyzed to verify performance for any period.

Installation is quick and simple. Typical installations do not require the main power to be shutoff. A fully installed meter and it's small snap-on CT's are shown below. 

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This smart IoT Meter collects the following data for all measured loads:

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